Let’s save together the largest organ in the Czech Republic!
At St. James’ Basilica in Prague.
Help us save the St. James’ organ! Currently, the St. James’ organ is at the end of its effective life and functions only thanks to the utmost care of the organ builders. In order for this unique instrument with its 8,277 pipes and 91 registers not to remain silent for many years in the Basilica with its unique acoustics, its complete renovation is necessary. The expected costs exceed the financial possibilities of the owner – the Minorite Order as well as of the Sancti Jacobi Organum Endowment Fund. The necessary amount is currently calculated by world-class organ companies at 50,000,000 CZK.
Please, all of you, who are not We ask everyone who is not indifferent to the Basilica of St. James and its musical phenomenon, support the restoration of one of their jewels! We sincerely thank you for your cooperation, financial support according to your possibilities and also for your prayer for the preservation of the great St. James organ for future generations.